Software Vault: The Gold Collection
Software Vault - The Gold Collection (American Databankers) (1993).ISO
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Assembly Source File
536 lines
page ,132
title tssc (test, set, save, colors) as of 08/30/90 - 12:15 am
; included macro libraries
; from /masminc
include genmac.lib
include iomac.lib
include vdomac.lib
; common equates
z equ 0 ; zero
lf equ 10 ; line feed
cr equ 13 ; carriage return
ek equ 27 ; escape key
code segment para public 'code'
assume cs:code
org 256 ; past PSP
sop: jmp tssc ; start of program
; work area
db 'start of work area'
ofh dw z ; output file handle
odn db z ; output drive #
ofn db 'tssc' ; save
db '.' ; file
db 'com' ; name
db z
sm1 db '┌────────────────────────────────────────┐',cr,lf,z
sm2 db '│ Test, Set, Save, Colors │',cr,lf,z
sm3 db '├────────────────────────────────────────┤',cr,lf,z
sm4 db '│ ( by Bud Rasmussen ) │',cr,lf,z
sm5 db '├────────────────────────────────────────┤',cr,lf,z
sm6 db '│ QUIT at any time by pressing ESC key │',cr,lf,z
sm7 db '└────────────────────────────────────────┘',cr,lf,lf,z
; color save areas
sbc db 15 ; save border color
sbbc db 3 ; save border box color
ssc db 6 ; save screen color
srtc db 14 ; save requested text color
cstc db 06eh ; combined scrn / text color
cbbc db 03fh ; combined border box color
rbcm db ' * request border color from 0 to f : ',z
rsbcm db ' * request screen box color from 0 to f : ',z
rsblcm db ' * request screen box line color from 0 to f : ',z
rscm db ' * request screen color from 0 to f : ',z
rtcm db ' * request cursor color from 0 to f : ',z
rbgcm db ' * request background text color 40 - 47 : ',z
rfgcm db ' * request foreground text color 30 - 37 : ',z
cokm db ' * is that all right ? ( y or n ) : ',z
tam db ' * do you wish to test more ? ( y or n ) : ',z
satcm db ' * do you wish to set these colors ? ( y or n ) : ',z
conm db ' * do you wish to save these colors ? ( y or n ) : ',z
acm1 db ' 0=blk, 1=blu, 2=grn, 3=cyan, 4=red,'
db ' 5=mag, 6=brn, 7=wht, 8=lt blk, ',z
acm2 db ' 9=lt blu, a=lt grn, b=lt cyan, c=lt red,'
db ' d=lt mag, e=lt brn, f=lt wht ',z
acm3 db ' 40=blk, 41=red, 42=grn, 43=yelo, 44=blu,'
db ' 45=mag, 46=cyan, 47=wht, ',z
acm4 db ' 30=blk, 31=red, 32=grn, 33=yelo, 34=blu,'
db ' 35=mag, 36=cyan, 37=wht ',z
ess db 27,'['
bcs db '43' ; background color store
db ';'
db '1'
db ';'
fcs db '33' ; foreground color store
db 'm$'
rr db z ; reply area
vcf db z ; validate color flag
ef db z ; exit flag
; miscellaneous constants
cll db cr,lf,lf,z ; cr, lf, lf
crlf db cr,lf,z ; cr, lf
; included data
; from /masminc
include ccwa.dta
include colors.dta
include escseq.dta
db 'end of work area'
tssc proc near
call scaa ; save char and attr
; main section
mov ef,0
; request border color
call sacm
call lsccm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rbcm
call lmts
call vcp
cmp vcf,1
je rbcrtd
cmp vcf,2
je rbc
mov sbc,al
jmp stbc
rbcrtd: jmp rtd
; set the border color
mov ah,11 ; set color palette fct
mov bh,0 ; text mode
mov bl,sbc ; border = ?
int 16
; border color OK ?
call sacm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,cokm
call lmts
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,'y'
je rsbbc
jmp rbc
; request screen border box color
call sacm
call lsccm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rsbcm
call lmts
call vcp
cmp vcf,1
je rbbcrtd
cmp vcf,2
je rsbbc
mov sbbc,al
jmp rbblc
rbbcrtd: jmp rtd
; request border box line color
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rsblcm
call lmts
call vcp
cmp vcf,1
je rbbcrtd
cmp vcf,2
je rbblc
mov srtc,al
jmp sbacc
; set box and crsr colors
mov al,sbbc
mov cl,4
shl al,cl
or al,srtc
mov cbbc,al
; border box color OK ?
call sacm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,cokm
call lmts
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,'y'
je rsc
jmp rsbbc
; request screen color
call sacm
call lsccm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rscm
call lmts
call vcp
cmp vcf,1
je rscrtd
cmp vcf,2
je rsc
mov ssc,al
jmp rcc
rscrtd: jmp rtd
; request cursor color
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rtcm
call lmts
call vcp
cmp vcf,1
je rtcrtd
cmp vcf,2
je rcc
mov srtc,al
jmp ssacc
rtcrtd: jmp rtd
; set screen and crsr colors
mov al,ssc
mov cl,4
shl al,cl
or al,srtc
mov cstc,al
; set screen color OK
call sacm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,cokm
call lmts
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,'y'
je rbgc
jmp rsc
; request back ground color
call lbfcm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rbgcm
call lmts
dci bcs
dci bcs+1
; request fore ground color
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,rfgcm
call lmts
dci fcs
dci fcs+1
dsts ess
; set text color ok
call sacm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,cokm
call lmts
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,'y'
je rtam
jmp rbgc
; request try again msg
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,tam
call lmts
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,'y'
jne rtd
jmp ms
;* return to dos
cmp vcf,1 ; esc ?
jne rtdn ; if not, carry on
mov rr,32 ; clear reply
jmp fex ; exit
scp 15,0
call mcr3
lea ax,satcm ; save all these colors msg
call lmts
mov rr,32 ; clear reply
dci rr ; get reply
cmp rr,'y' ; yes ?
je ltca
sebc ; set eight back colors
call rcaa ; reset char and attr
jmp fex ; exit
call sacm
scp 12,0
call mcr3
lea ax,conm ; clone or not msg
call lmts
mov rr,32 ; clear reply
dci rr ; get reply
cmp rr,'y' ; yes ?
jne fex ; if not, exit
lea dx,ofn ; pass file name address
mov cx,0 ; set file attribute = normal
mov ah,60 ; pass code for creation open
dc ; DOS call
mov ofh,ax ; save output file handle
lea cx,eop ; point to end
lea ax,sop ; point to start
sub cx,ax ; end - start
mov bx,ofh ; point to output file handle
lea dx,sop ; set address
mov ah,64 ; pass DOS write a file code
dc ; DOS call
; exit
mov ef,1
call sacm
lea ax,cll
call lmts
call mcr3
tssc endp
; set all color modes
sacm proc near
scp 0,0
; ssbc
scm sbc
wcaa cstc
mov al,cbbc
mov attr,al
call pab
dsts ess
cmp ef,1
je sacmx
; send starting message
scp 3,0
call mcr3
lea ax,sm1
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm2
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm3
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm4
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm5
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm6
call lmts
call mcr3
lea ax,sm7
call lmts
sacmx: ret
sacm endp
; list screen cursor color msg
lsccm proc near
scp 20,0
call mcr3
lea ax,acm1
call lmts
scp 21,0
call mcr3
lea ax,acm2
call lmts
lsccm endp
; list background foreground color msg
lbfcm proc near
scp 20,0
call mcr3
lea ax,acm3
call lmts
scp 21,0
call mcr3
lea ax,acm4
call lmts
lbfcm endp
; validate colors procedure
vcp proc near
mov vcf,0
mov rr,32
dci rr
cmp rr,ek ; reject ?
je vcpr
cmp rr,'0'
jb vcpe ; if LT, error
cmp rr,'f'
ja vcpe ; if GT, error
mov al,rr
call cath
cmp al,255
je vcpe
vcpx: ret
vcpe: mov vcf,2 ; error
vcpr: mov vcf,1
vcp endp
; included procedures
; from /masminc
include cath.prc
include mcr3.prc
include lmts.prc
include pab.prc
include pac.prc
include par.prc
include rcaa.prc
include scaa.prc
db ' end of program'
eop: ; end of program
code ends
end sop